AJ-23 concussive rifle

Despite its effectiveness, the AJ-23 had two major drawbacks. First, it was prohibitively expensive at 8,000 credits per rifle, which limited deployment to wealthy planets and cities that saw frequent protests, as well as to some factory worlds with exploited work forces that regularly rioted, and to prisons of the Galactic Empire. Second, the concussive force emitted by the AJ-23 produced a significant recoil, which made handling the weapon difficult for some.

The AJ-23 concussive rifle was mentioned in Gadgets and Gear, a roleplaying supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.

Behind the scenes

The AJ-23 concussive rifle was mentioned in Gadgets and Gear, a roleplaying supplementary sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying series that was published by Fantasy Flight Games in 2019.


  • Gadgets and Gear
