The Agrilat Region, also known as the Agrilat Swamp, the Crystal Swamps or simply Agrilat, was a region located on the northern continent of the planet Corellia. Situated between the northern sea and the Orik's Spine mountain range, the region was largely composed of swamps filled with crystalline plants like razor grass. It was a hot spot for illegal swoop races, such as the Agrilat Swamp Circuit. The Dragonbane circuit was also located in this region.
The swamps were the site of a famous race between Dengar, a cult hero of the professional racing circuit, and another youth named Han Solo, from the private circuit. Tired of constantly being compared to Solo, Dengar challenged his rival to a winner-takes-all race through the dangerous swamps. During the race, Solo's stabilizer fin became entangled with Dengar's, causing Dengar to lose control and crash.
At some point before 29 BBY, Agrilat was also known for producing mouth-loosening .
In 1 ABY, wild creatures from the Agrilat Swamp wandered into more civilized areas of Corellia and threatened local farmers. Lieutenant Moss Shelby of CorSec's Regiment Twelve therefore hired a group of spacers to hunt the animals.
There is some discrepancy as to whether Agrilat is a region on Corellia or a planet unto its own. The PC game Star Wars: Rebellion and Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide place Agrilat as a planet in the Moddell sector of the Outer Rim, Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary indicates it is a planet in the Corellian sector, Star Wars Gamer 6 indicates that it is a city on Corellia, Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back simply states it is a swamp located in the Corellian system, and Star Wars Galaxies indicates Agrilat is a swamp on Corellia itself. The Essential Atlas has one reference to the crystal swamps comparing them to other natural beauties found on Corellia.
There is some discrepancy as to whether Agrilat is a region on Corellia or a planet unto its own. The PC game Star Wars: Rebellion and Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide place Agrilat as a planet in the Moddell sector of the Outer Rim, Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary indicates it is a planet in the Corellian sector, Star Wars Gamer 6 indicates that it is a city on Corellia, Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back simply states it is a swamp located in the Corellian system, and Star Wars Galaxies indicates Agrilat is a swamp on Corellia itself. The Essential Atlas has one reference to the crystal swamps comparing them to other natural beauties found on Corellia.