The Battle of Malastare was a battle that took place on the planet Malastare between the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire sometime after the Battle of Endor. Prior to the Emergency summit on Akiva, the self–proclaimed Grand Moff Valco Pandion abandoned the Imperial communications station on Malastare, causing the Empire to lose its foothold on that planet. The subsequent battle showed an Alliance to Restore the Republic victory. Even with the planetary shield, the loss of the communication station was too great for the Empire to handle. They lost to a squad of 7 A/SF-01 B-wing starfighters otherwise known as Blade Squadron. Although the Rebels had their share of casualties as well, losing cadets Jordan Karls and Cutter Poole, the Empire took the major brunt of the loss losing several TIE pilots and starfighters, along with the planetary shield and the Malastare Communications Station.