Battle of Raquish

The Battle of Raquish was the final engagement of the Andoan Wars, fought between the two groups of planets known as the Spiverelda and the Andoan Free Colonies. Taking place in 39 BBY, it saw the military leader Trench employ ruthless tactics against the Free Colonies' forces in what became a bloody engagement.

Although the battle was a victory for the Spiverelda, in its aftermath the Galactic Republic intervened in the conflict, separating the two sides and demilitarizing the local sector. The outcome of the Battle of Raquish subsequently fueled anti-Republic sentiment in the Aqualish inhabitants of the world Ando.


The Andoan Wars were a conflict fought between the Spiverelda, the group of worlds colonized by the sentient Aqualish species and being under the influence of its Mid Rim homeworld, Ando, against the fifteen Aqualish-settled planets known as the Andoan Free Colonies. The conflict began in 57 BBY and saw engagements at the celestial bodies Arbular and Horos, in which Spiverelda forces under the command of Harch military leader Trench defeated those of the Free Colonies.

The battle

In 39 BBY, the two factions fought each other again at the Battle of Raquish, which shared its name with the Raquish system. One factor leading to the confrontation was the attempts by the Galactic Republic to demilitarize the Aqualish. At Raquish, the Spiverelda forces were once more led by Trench, who employed ruthless tactics. The battle was bloody and saw the use of considerable firepower, and ultimately resulted in a victory for the Spiverelda and an end to the Andoan Wars.


Trench was radicalized by the outcome of the Battle of Raquish.

Trench was radicalized by the outcome of the Battle of Raquish.

The Battle of Raquish convinced the Republic to intervene and separate both opposing sides. Consequently, the Free Colonies were spared and the Lambda sector was demilitarized. As part of the Republic's intervention, the Free Colonies' use of military forces was restricted through the signing of the Treaty of Raquish.

Both the Aqualish of Ando and Trench were radicalized by witnessing their victory at Raquish essentially be turned into a defeat, with a busy roadway named the Raquish Thoroughfare being established in Quantill City, the largest city and capital of Ando. In 13:2:28, Ando eagerly seceded from the Republic, and, during the later Clone Wars, Trench went on to serve the Republic's enemy in the conflict, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The Battle of Raquish was noted by an issue of the CoCo District Edition of the HoloNet News that reported on Ando's secession.

Behind the scenes

The Battle of Raquish was first mentioned in HoloNet News Vol. 531 #45, an issue of the representation of the in-universe HoloNet News that was written by Pablo Hidalgo and Paul Ens and published by March 10, 2002.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare



