Battle of Sarapin Four


While fleeing from an illegal attack on Imperial resources, the Enkindle attempted to hide from Imperial forces in the upper atmosphere of Sarapin Four with three Thranta-class Corvettes. The warship was discovered and the Empire scramble as many nearby forces as possible. This included a traveling hero in his or her starfighter.

The battle

Three Terminus-class destroyers flew into the atmosphere of Sarapin Four along side the hero and attacked the Enkindle and its escorts. The three corvettes each attempted to intercept the Imperial fleet and suffered heavy damage doing so. The hero continues towards the Enkindle, attacking Talon-class Republic starfighters and the escorts while nearing the warship. The hero was tasked with damaging four shield generators and twelve Laser cannons on the Enkindle, as well as eliminating 50 starfighters if the opportunity were to arise. As the battle commenced three additional Thranta-class Corvettes entered the system to aid the Enkindle and its escorts, one of which was destroyed directly after assisting. The battle ended minutes after beginning and the hero left Sarapin Four's atmosphere, leaving a disabled Republic warship orbiting the planet.



