Boosahn Keeraw

The Boosahn Keeraw was a warrior way of the Lasat species.

A known tenet of the Boosahn Keeraw was that when a Lasat was bested by a superior opponent, the Lasat would give them their weapon. During the Galactic Empire's razing of Lasan, Imperial Security Bureau agent Alexandr Kallus was given a J-19 bo-rifle by a Lasan High Honor Guardsman he defeated in combat. This allowed him to wield the weapon, which was otherwise restricted to the Honor Guard.

Kallus would later claim that he took the weapon as a trophy during the battle. This earned him the enmity of Garazeb Orrelios, who believed that he was thus using it without a right to it, considered a great insult in Lasat culture. However, Kallas later admitted the truth and the two reconciled.


  • Dawn of Rebellion



