Unidentified Lasat Honor Guard

During the events of the Siege of Lasan, there was a Lasat of the male gender who was a member of the Lasan High Honor Guard. This Lasat possessed a J-19 bo-rifle. In the course of the Siege, he engaged in combat with Imperial Security Bureau Agent Alexsandr Kallus, but was ultimately overcome by him. In accordance with the Lasat custom of Boosahn Keeraw, he presented Kallus with his bo-rifle just before his dying breath, acknowledging Kallus's superior skill in combat.

Behind the scenes

The Honor Guard's initial reference occurs in the Star Wars Rebels first season episode called "Droids in Distress." A mistake was made on the Rebels Facebook page, where it incorrectly stated that Kallus obtained the rifle as a trophy; however, this was proven false in the Rebels Season Two episode "The Honorable Ones," which revealed greater detail concerning the conditions of Kallus's fight.

