The Bothan-Five incident was a rescue mission launched by a team of mercenaries and a bounty hunter led by Migs Mayfeld to liberate prisoner X-6-9-11, Qin, from New Republic Correctional Transport Bothan-5. After Qin was successfully liberated from his holding cell, the group attempted to betray one of their members, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin, by locking him in the cell due to altercations between him and the rest of the group in the time leading up to the rescue mission. Din managed to escape confinement and locked the three mercenaries who betrayed him in a cell before escaping the prison ship with Qin. After Djarin destroyed Q9-0 for trying to kill his ward, Grogu, Djarin returned Qin to the Roost space station and left behind a New Republic tracking device, allowing the New Republic to destroy the station.