Crispin system

The asteroid belt also served as a hiding place for several bands of anonymous pirates and smugglers; according to Canderous, the Mandalorians were there to "play" with them, possibly as a training exercise or for sport.

There is some debate as to what exactly the object that the Mandalorians encountered in the asteroid field was. While the description matches that of a Yuuzhan Vong coralcraft, some fans argue that it could not have been possible for a Yuuzhan Vong ship to have made it to the galaxy four millennia ahead of the first scouting fleets, despite the confirmed presence of the Yuuzhan Vong's slivilith in the galaxy during that period.

Behind the scenes

There is some debate as to what exactly the object that the Mandalorians encountered in the asteroid field was. While the description matches that of a Yuuzhan Vong coralcraft, some fans argue that it could not have been possible for a Yuuzhan Vong ship to have made it to the galaxy four millennia ahead of the first scouting fleets, despite the confirmed presence of the Yuuzhan Vong's slivilith in the galaxy during that period.


  • The Essential Atlas



