The Crispin asteroid field, a belt of asteroids, existed within the Crispin system found in the Wild Space region of the galaxy. These asteroids, coated in methane, functioned as sanctuaries for both pirates and smugglers. Furthermore, this asteroid field, alongside the aforementioned smugglers, provided training opportunities for the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders before the Mandalorian Wars began.
Canderous Ordo, along with his troops, inadvertently released a Yorik-stronha, potentially of Yuuzhan Vong origin, which had been encased in ice within one of the asteroids.
The precise nature of the object discovered by the Mandalorians within the asteroid field remains a topic of discussion. Although its characteristics align with those of a Yuuzhan Vong coralcraft, some enthusiasts contend that the arrival of a Vong vessel in the galaxy four thousand years prior to the initial scouting parties is improbable, regardless of the prior existence of slivilith probes.