The Dark Council Chambers, located inside the Sith Academy on the planet Korriban, was the place where the Dark Council discussed anything related to the Sith Empire, their enemies and their plans.
The Chamber of the Dark Council consisted of six thrones at each side, one for each of the twelve Council members. If one of the Council was not present, he or she appeared as a hologram to participate in the Council's discussions.
There was also a Dark Council chamber on Dromund Kaas. However, the Chamber on Korriban was larger than its counterpart on Dromund Kaas.
Two notable duels took place in the Dark Council Chambers during the Galactic War, namely the duel between Darth Baras and the new Emperor's Wrath (Galactic War) and the duel between Darth Thanaton and Lord Kallig.
During the Korriban Incursion, the Council Chambers, along with most of the Sith Academy, were heavily damaged. Darth Soverus, the only Dark Council Member planetside, was slain by Jedi Commander Jensyn, who occupied the chambers until he was killed when the Empire retook the Academy.
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