Faron Tolis

Faron Tolis was a Human member of the Rebel Alliance, and later the Alliance of Free Planets, following the Battle of Endor. A scout, Tolis was dispatched in 4 ABY to investigate strange life readings on the desolate planet Kinooine, only to discover the vanguard of the Nagai expeditionary force preparing for an invasion of the larger galaxy. The only survivor of his team, Tolis agreed to serve the Nagai in exchange for his life, but was later killed by Nagai warrior Den Siva while attempting to rescue Alliance agent Dani from torture.


A Human male, Faron Tolis served as a scout for the Rebel Alliance, and later the Alliance of Free Planets, during the Galactic Civil War. In 4 ABY, Alliance Commander Luke Skywalker dispatched Tolis, as part of a team of 20, on a mission to the desolate planet Kinooine, which had inexplicably begun to register life readings. There, they stumbled upon the harbinger of a galactic invasion, when the Alliance team were ambushed and captured by Lumiya, the "Dark Lady of the Sith," and a Nagai vanguard force from the Firefist dwarf galaxy.

Lumiya and her Nagai lieutenant, Den Siva, soon killed 19 of Tolis' squad—he was left as the only survivor, and was tortured for information on the Alliance's leaders. Threatened with death himself, Tolis offered information on Skywalker, a figure whom Lumiya had a deep-seated personal grudge against. This saved Tolis' life for a time, as Lumiya and Siva allowed him to live if he served them, performing tasks such as seeing after the Zeltron prisoner Dani.

Tolis remained on Kinooine as the main Nagai expeditionary force arrived to establish a permanent base on the planet, serving Siva as the Nagai brutally tortured Dani in attempting to learn the secrets of her unfamiliar Zeltron physiology. Although Tolis had been cowed into subservience until that point, watching the unbearable agony inflicted upon the Zeltron pushed him past his breaking point. Tolis attempted to save Dani by sneaking up behind Siva with a knife—however, Siva anticipated the attack, and killed Tolis by throwing a blade through his chest.

Personality and traits

Faron Tolis ultimately valued his own life over his commitment to the Alliance of Free Planets, willingly offering information on his commanding officer Luke Skywalker in order to prevent his execution at Nagai hands. Furthermore, Tolis consented to serving under his Nagai captors in order to preserve his life, even as they plotted war against his Alliance, referring to Lumiya and Den Siva as "Lady Lumiya" and "Master Den." However, watching the relentless torture of Dani at Siva's hands proved to be a bridge too far for the man, causing him to launch a doomed attempt on Siva's life.

Behind the scenes

Faron Tolis first appeared in Star Wars (1977) 95, written by Mary Jo Duffy, illustrated by Cynthia Martin and released in 1985. Initially unnamed in his first two appearances, the name "Faron" was given in Star Wars (1977) 97, and the character later received the last name "Tolis" in the 2009 Hyperspace-exclusive article "The Forgotten War: The Nagai and the Tofs."










