Gordon was an unsavory starport on the planet Aquilae (or Utapau), located in a wasteland and home to a cantina. A ruined temple was in the vicinity.
Kane Starkiller recruited Han Solo into the resistance against the Galactic Empire at Gordon.
Captain Oxus's crew were taking a shipment of to Gordon when Han Solo hijacked his pirate ship.
Gordon appeared in the treatment summary and rough draft for the film that would become A New Hope. It eventually became Mos Eisley in the second draft. The brief mention of Gordon in that draft suggests it is a different, unseen, settlement on Utapau.
Gordon appeared in the treatment summary and rough draft for the film that would become A New Hope. It eventually became Mos Eisley in the second draft. The brief mention of Gordon in that draft suggests it is a different, unseen, settlement on Utapau.