Heist on Kellgar Seven

The heist on Kellgar Seven was a heist mission undertaken on the astronomical object Kellgar Seven by a cell of the smuggler gang known as the Spice Runners of Kijimi. The group, led by Vigilch, succeeded in executing the heist, escaping to the moon Yavin 4. However, the cell's members discovered that their pilot, Beke Mon'z, was betraying them to rival syndicates—while, in reality, he was a spy for the New Republic Security Bureau officer Sela Trune. On Yavin 4, Vigilch killed Mon'z, leaving the Spice Runners stranded, while Trune led an investigation on the moon following the death of her operative. The group was assisted by Poe Dameron, a resident of Yavin 4 who wished to escape the moon, who piloted their XS stock light freighter Ragged Claw offworld.






