
Kenny and the others tracked the cargo ship to the moon Jedha, where they transferred to the Republic ship . Piti remote control piloted their Pathfinder ship, convincing Ullo and the pirates to fire on it and destroy it, tricking them into thinking they were dead and couldn't follow them anymore. Kenny was deeply distraught by the loss of their ship and began to cry, but Piti assured him the Republic would cover the expense. Kenny offered to go with Nattai on the rest of her mission to follow Greylark, but she insisted he and Piti stay behind and stay safe.

Later, during the Night of Sorrow on the planet Dalna, Kenny and Piti responded to a cry for help and arrived in a Pathfinder ship to support the Jedi Order in their fight against the Path of the Open Hand. Kenny commed Nattai and told her they were there to help her and Dargha, but Nattai revealed that Dargha had died fighting.






