Langu Sommilor was a male Kynachi and the Commissioner of the planet Kynachi during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, the Galactic Republic group Breakout Squad liberated his world from the Techno Union. Shortly after, he was replaced by a Black Sun imposter, who met Breakout Squad on Vaced. The imposter was killed by a sniper. Sommilor was soon found tied up in his freighter, and went to Coruscant to meet with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
A Langu Sommilor first appeared in Ryder Windham's young readers book, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock. That Sommilor was revealed to be an impostor in the following book, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 4: Guardians of the Chiss Key.
Langu Sommilor was a male Kynachi and the Commissioner of the planet Kynachi during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, the Galactic Republic group Breakout Squad liberated his world from the Techno Union. Shortly after, he was replaced by a Black Sun imposter, who met Breakout Squad on Vaced. The imposter was killed by a sniper. Sommilor was soon found tied up in his freighter, and went to Coruscant to meet with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
A Langu Sommilor first appeared in Ryder Windham's young readers book, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock. That Sommilor was revealed to be an impostor in the following book, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 4: Guardians of the Chiss Key.