Meerou Woodring was an Orooturooian female crime lord who owned an asteroid fortress. In her fortress, Woodring kept a number of Gamorreans enslaved, forcing them to mine the asteroid. The asteroid fortress was attacked by the crew of the pirate Sidon Ithano, who had sent the Gamorrean Squeaky in beforehand to infiltrate the slaves and start a rebellion. Ithano managed overthrow Woodring with the help of the Gamorrean captives, who were left to take charge of her asteroid fortress.
According to the author Landry Q. Walker, the name of the character is a reference to Jim Woodring, the writer of the 1995 comic Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi, where the Orooturooian species first appeared in Star Wars Legends continuity, albeit unnamed.
According to the author Landry Q. Walker, the name of the character is a reference to Jim Woodring, the writer of the 1995 comic Jabba the Hutt: The Hunger of Princess Nampi, where the Orooturooian species first appeared in Star Wars Legends continuity, albeit unnamed.