The Organized Crime Unit—abbreviated as the OCU—was a division of the Coruscant Security Force and countered complex criminal organizations that proved to be far more of a threat than small-time crime. The unit was based out of the Coruscant Security Force Headquarters in Galactic City on the planet Coruscant. The OCU used undercover teams to provide intelligence on criminal organizations and worked closely with the CSF's Anti-Terrorism Unit (ATU) under the command of Captain Jaller Obrim.
During the time of the Galactic Republic in 22 BBY, the OCU assisted ATU and clone commandos of the Special Operations Brigade during a special mission to take down terrorist networks on Coruscant. At the close of the mission, the OCU participated in a massive overnight raid operation during which 97 terrorists were captured or killed. After that, the OCU and ATU hosted a celebration at the Coruscant Security Force Staff and Social Club for the clone troopers.
The Organized Crime Unit first appeared in Republic Commando: Triple Zero, published on February 28, 2006 and written by Karen Traviss.
The Organized Crime Unit first appeared in Republic Commando: Triple Zero, published on February 28, 2006 and written by Karen Traviss.