Red Moons was a mercenary organization led by a former Colonel of the New Republic. It was a group dedicated to liberating worlds from the remnants of the Empire. Another common goal they had was that many members were former disgruntled members of the New Republic who wanted more done to stop the Empire. In actuality, it appeared that the Red Moons were actually a group linked specifically with the New Republic who did the work the New Republic could not publicly do, possibly a division of New Republic Intelligence. They owned at least one ship, the Red Moon Revenge, and their base was protected by a combination of four Galax Viper volley guns and several Apex Incisor Missiles.
- ColonelAndrephan Stormcaller; former Colonel in the New Republic and leader.
- Sully Tigereye; former Elite Commando with the New Republic who served under Stormcaller.
- Lex "Mad Vornskr" Kempo; former Imperial scout trooper who left the Empire. Killed while on assignment on Gabredor III.
- Hugo Cutter; former Imperial student at the Imperial Engineers Academy who was disbarred for blowing things up; demolitions expert.
- Brixie Ergo; former med student who joined after her parents where conscripted into the Pentastar Alignment.
- Ivey; specialist in "procurement".
- "Blasters for Hire" — Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
- Hero's Guide
- Ultimate Adversaries
- Threats of the Galaxy
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, Vol. I