The Reign of the Ax was an era of time in the history of the Sith species. It corresponded to the reign of King Adas, which lasted three hundred years (circa 28,000 BBY to 27,700 BBY). It ended with the King's death, while he was trying to drive off the Rakata. The Sith Lord Darth Ikoral belonged to an old line that dated as far back as King Adas's time. Following the Discovery of Korriban in 6900 BBY, Jen'jidai Sorzus Syn wrote about King Adas's reign in her chronicle, which was later collected by Darth Sidious into his Book of Sith. In 19 BBY, a Jedi ExplorCorps member Telloti Cillmam'n found the armor of the Dark Jedi Warb Null on Nicht Ka, an ammonia-washed world located on the border of the ancient Sith Empire. After donning the armor, Cillmam'n was flooded with visions of the ancient Sith history, including the Rakatan invasion of Korriban.
- Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties on Hyperspace
- Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side