Sphere of Sith Doctrine

The Sphere of Sith Doctrine was one of the five Spheres of Influence of the reconstituted Sith Empire that was created by Empress Darth Acina after the Eternal Empire conquest. The Sphere was the combination of the Spheres of Ancient Knowledge, Mysteries, and Sith Philosophy and was led by Dark Council member Darth Anathel.


The Sphere of Sith Doctrine was a power base of the Sith Empire responsible for discovering and safeguarding Sith knowledge, and upholding the Sith Code. It was established by Empress Darth Acina to lessen the infighting between Dark Council members, and was one of the five seats that succeeded the twelve Spheres of Influence. The Sphere was led by Darth Anathel.

Behind the scenes

If the player-character is Darth Nox (Occlus, Imperius) in the Onslaught expansion of Star Wars: The Old Republic, the player may choose to kill Darth Anathel and assume his seat on the Dark Council as head of Sith Doctrine.






