Inspired by the Cartoon Network's Clone Wars cartoons, this comic-book series uses the television show as a jumping-off point to tell new stories of heroism and villainy in the same stripped-down visual style.
Saesee Tiin
Steals a secret Separatist starfighter!
Ki-Adi-Mundi and Rivi-Anu
Rescue an army of clone troopers!
Clone Commandos
Battle in the clouds of a gas giant!
Plo Koon and Kit Fisto
Get trapped in an underwater prison!
Incredible action, hot art, and lightning-fast pacing are coming your way in this exciting take on the Star Wars galaxy!
Four more thrilling tales of planets in peril and Jedi in jeopardy! The Clone Wars grind through the galaxy, shaking every system to its core and testing loyalties on both sides of the conflict. The last days of the Jedi are at hand, but if their Order is to fall, they're going down swinging! Presenting another round of lightning-paced, action-packed, all-ages Star Wars goodness, all told in the same stripped-down stylization as Cartoon Network's micro-series.
The cover depicts Saesee Tiin with a green lightsaber, but, in the story "It Takes a Thief," he has a blue one.