The Drop (comic story)

"The Drop" is a tale found within Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6. This narrative centers around the exploits of H.O.P.E. Squad as they undertake a particular assignment on the planet Yorn Skot.

Plot summary

H.O.P.E. squad receives orders to proceed to Yorn Skot, their objective being the extraction of Jedi Treetower and the recovery of illicit merchandise that he was attempting to seize. Following an orbital deployment, they achieve a secure landing on a mobile platform suspended in the atmosphere. Treetower's location beacon indicates his presence within the unipod structure situated beneath the platform.

The squad utilizes rappelling techniques to descend and reach his position. Abruptly, a group of four jump droids makes an appearance. The commandos find themselves in a vulnerable position, becoming easy targets; only the commando with the orange-armored suit manages to survive the initial attack. This surviving trooper leaps onto one of the droids, commandeering its jetpack. Another droid launches a stun net, causing a malfunction in the commandeered jetpack. Ingeniously, the trooper employs the stun net to ensnare and mount the droid, subsequently eliminating the remaining two droids. He then manages to catch Master Treetower as he falls, destroys the droid he's riding, and returns to the rappelling line. Ascending back to the platform, they promptly uncover the nature of the cargo: Ugnaught slaves.
