Inspired by the Cartoon Network's Clone Wars cartoons, this comic-book series uses the television show as a jumping-off point to tell new stories of heroism and villainy in the same stripped-down visual style.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker
Are attacked by giant monsters!
Padmé Amidala
Becomes a spy!
Bultar Swan
Storms an impenetrable fortress!
Three Friends
Rob a bank guarded by an army of clones!
Incredible action, hot art, and lightning-fast pacing are coming your way in this exciting take on the Star Wars galaxy!
Explosive action, white-hot lightsaber battles, evil schemes, and heroic sacrifices—it's all here in this fast-paced volume jam-packed with four wickedly awesome all-ages adventures set in the most exciting era of Star Wars! The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance, the Republic and Confederacy taking their fight from the cold reaches of space to exotic alien worlds. Don't miss the Jedi make history in their selfless fight for justice in this full-throttle collection of stories all told in the same stripped-down stylization as Cartoon Network's micro-series.