Steadfast (Venator-class)

The Venator-class Star Destroyer was utilized by the Galactic Republic's Open Circle Fleet, within its naval branch, during the time of the Clone Wars. By the time of 21 BBY, during the war, the Star Destroyer was constructed for Republic deployment, where it was later employed as the flagship of Jedi General Eeth Koth and his fleet. Later, in 21 BBY, following the Republic's second invasion of the planet Geonosis, numerous attacks had been conducted against Outer Rim Territories hyperspace routes. Resolute to locate the conspirator behind the attacks, Koth traveled aboard the Steadfast through the Saleucami system, where he was ambushed by a Separatist Alliance fleet commanded by General Grievous, who had intended to capture the Jedi Master.

While suffering extensive damage, the Steadfast was boarded by a contingent of B2-series super battle droids from Grievous's Recusant-class light destroyer, which had attached to one of the Star Destroyer's docking ports. During the boarding battle on the Steadfast, between the battle droids and Koth's clone trooper unit, led by Clone Captain Lock, who were ordered to flee, the Separatist general and the Jedi Master engaged in a brief duel aboard the command bridge. However, while determined to defeat Grievous, Koth was conquered by the general and his squad of IG-100 MagnaGuards, resulting in his capture and subsequent transportation to the Separatist destroyer.


As a Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Steadfast had two bridges and a broadside port that could be boarded via docking tube and was also equipped with escape pods and eight ion drive thrusters. The Star Destroyer was additionally armed with four port and four starboard DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets and one port and one starboard medium dual turbolaser cannons, while it also possessed a pair of hyperwave comm scanners at the top of its bridges.

Furthermore, the Steadfast carried a passenger complement of clone troopers, who served as the Star Destroyer's onboard personnel to defend it from boarding attacks. Both sides of the Venator's hull were emblazoned with the symbol of the Open Circle Fleet, while its port and starboard wings were painted with three red stripes commonly featured on Republic Venators.

Separatist ambush

Eeth Koth's clone troopers engage Grievous's battle droids aboard the Steadfast.

Eeth Koth's clone troopers engage Grievous's battle droids aboard the Steadfast.

In 21 BBY, during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and Confederacy of Independent Systems, following the Second Battle of Geonosis, Jedi Master Eeth Koth and his fleet were sent by the Republic to track down those who had been responsible for launching attacks near hyperspace routes of the Outer Rim Territories. However, while moving through the Saleucami system, Koth's flagship was ambushed by the Recusant-class light destroyer of the Kaleesh Separatist General Grievous. As the Star Destroyer was dealt heavy damage to its hull from the destroyer, Grievous's ship proceeded to dock with one of the Venator's starboard docking ports. While docked, the destroyer began to send several squads of B2-series super battle droids and BX-series droid commandos into the Steadfast, resulting in a firefight with the clone troopers aboard the Star Destroyer.

However, as the droids and clones continued to exchange fire, the Jedi ordered his Clone Captain, Lock, and remaining troopers to flee aboard escape pods while Koth awaited Grievous on the command bridge. Hesitant to follow Koth's orders, Lock explained that there were commando droids among the Separatist forces, but the Jedi Master disregarded the Clone Captain's worries and ordered him to leave once more, prompting Lock to reluctantly flee the Steadfast.

Duel aboard the Steadfast

Grievous duels Eeth Koth aboard the Steadfast.

Grievous duels Eeth Koth aboard the Steadfast.

After Lock and his remaining troopers fled the Steadfast, the Kaleesh and his droids made their way to the bridge, where Grievous used his lightsabers to breach the sealed command center. Upon breaching the blast doors, the general sent in a group of commando droids to battle the Jedi and the clone troopers aboard the bridge, killing Koth's troopers.

Despite the deaths of his clones, Koth eliminated the commando droids, but he was engaged by the Kaleesh and a team of four IG-100 MagnaGuards in a brief duel aboard the bridge shortly after. Amid their duel, Koth used the Force to push Grievous into the command bridge's viewport, which prompted the Kaleesh's MagnaGuards to intervene. With the droid intervention, Koth became overwhelmed and weakened as he was repeatedly struck by the electrostaffs of the MagnaGuards, which allowed Grievous to defeat the Jedi Master and take him captive aboard his Recusant-class destroyer, before traveling to the planet Saleucami.

Commanders and crew

Placed under the command of Jedi Master Eeth Koth during the Clone Wars, the Steadfast was additionally crewed by Koth's clone officer, Clone Captain Lock. The Venator was also crewed by several clone troopers, who served as onboard security and the bridge crew.

Behind the scenes

The Steadfast first appeared in "Grievous Intrigue," the ninth episode of the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars second season, which aired on January 1, 2010. In the new Star Wars canon, it was identified in the 2015 reference book Ultimate Star Wars. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, the Steadfast was originally named in Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide, a reference book authored by Jason Fry and published in August 2010.

The forty-seventh issue of De Agostini's Star Wars: Build Your Own X-Wing magazine, released in 2019, erroneously used an image of Eeth Koth's duel with Grievous aboard the Steadfast to depict the battle of Patitite Pattuna and Grievous's capture of Jedi Master Adi Gallia.

In the 107th issue of the 2014 version of De Agostini's The Official Star Wars Fact File, it was stated that Grievous's attack on the Steadfast had occurred near the planet Arda in the Gordian Reach. However, the 2019 reference book Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition establishes that the attack took place in the Saleucami system. As Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition is the more recent source, the article assumes it is correct.







