Stennes sector

The Stennes sector was a sector located in the Expansion Region. It contained the planet Stennaros.

The Stennes sector was introduced in the roleplaying game source article "Shape-shifters," written by Pablo Hidalgo for February 1997's twelfth issue of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine.

Although the Stennes sector originated from an official source, Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, indicated in June 2015 that its name was omitted from The Essential Atlas Online Companion at the request of Lucasfilm in order to avoid confusion with the Stenness Node. Instead, Stennaros was placed in the Har Worlds sector of the Expansion Region.

Behind the scenes

The Stennes sector was introduced in the roleplaying game source article "Shape-shifters," written by Pablo Hidalgo for February 1997's twelfth issue of West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine.

Although the Stennes sector originated from an official source, Jason Fry, co-author of The Essential Atlas, indicated in June 2015 that its name was omitted from The Essential Atlas Online Companion at the request of Lucasfilm in order to avoid confusion with the Stenness Node. Instead, Stennaros was placed in the Har Worlds sector of the Expansion Region.

