Ten Numb


Ten Numb in a B-wing

Ten Numb in a B-wing

Ten Numb was a Sullustan male bounty hunter hailing from the planet Sullust. Numb sought to use his expertise in demolitions to aid the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their fight against the Galactic Empire.

Ten Numb was one of a few Sullustan pilots that flew at the Battle of Endor, including his friend Nien Nunb who also flew at the Battle of Endor as Lando Calrissian's co-pilot on board the Millennium Falcon. Ten Numb, on the other hand, was assigned to Blue Squadron, piloting a B-wing starfighter under the callsign Blue Five. During the assault, Numb led Blue Squadron in an attack against Imperial command ships, resulting in the destruction of two Imperial Star Destroyers.

Behind the scenes

An unscripted scene of Ten Numb inside a B-wing cockpit was filmed for Return of the Jedi, while portrayed by creature technician Mike Quinn; however, the scene was deleted. Kirk Thatcher was another creature technician involved with the portrayal of Ten Numb.

Early Star Wars media mistakenly portrayed Ten Numb as having a white suit. This confusion may have been caused by early preproduction photos from Return of the Jedi featuring Ten Numb wearing a white outfit. The "incorrect" photos of Ten Numb have since been digitally recolored to better match his film appearance.


Ten Numb in a rebel flight suit

Ten Numb in a rebel flight suit









