One year after the tragic events of The Fallen Star, the Jedi fight to break the Nihil's control over the galaxy.
The galaxy is divided. Following the shocking destruction of Starlight Beacon, the Nihil establish an impenetrable barrier called the Stormwall around part of the Outer Rim, where Marchion Ro rules and his followers wreak havoc at his every whim. Jedi trapped behind enemy lines, including Avar Kriss, must fight to help the worlds being pillaged by the Nihil while staying one step ahead of the marauders and their Nameless terrors.
Outside of the Nihil's so-called Occlusion Zone, Elzar Mann, Bell Zettifar, and the other Jedi work alongside the Republic to reach the worlds that have been cut off from the rest of the galaxy. But every attempt to breach the Stormwall has failed, and even communication across the barrier is impossible. For both Elzar and Bell, their failures and losses weigh heavily upon them as they search desperately for a solution.
But even if the Republic and Jedi forces manage to breach the Stormwall, how can the Jedi ever fight back against the Nameless creatures that prey on the Jedi's connection to the Force? And what other horrors does Marchion Ro have in store? As desperation for both the Jedi and the Republic grows, any hope of reuniting the galaxy could be all but extinguished….
George Mann worked closely with Charles Soule while writing the novel. Mann described the novel at Celebration Europe as a story about "the triumph of Marchion Ro." He also accidentally revealed the novel would include Elzar Mann and Avar Kriss. At San Diego Comic Con 2023, Mann described the novel as "brutal." The UK bookstore Goldsboro Books sold a special edition of The Eye of Darkness where each copy was numbered (limited to 750 copies) and signed, the pages were also sprayed yellow.
- On page 254, it is stated that Nib Assek would be participating in the attempt to breach the Stormwall. This is an error, as Nib Assek died during the events of The High Republic: The Fallen Star.
- In the initial hardcover and audiobook release of The Eye of Darkness, the list of planets brought under Nihil control by the expansion of the Stormwall includes Sullust, Pantora, and Malastare. The digital release edits the list and instead places Triton, Abtin, and Elrood behind the new Stormwall border.
- On page 319, a mention of Xo Lahru swaps the order of his names and he is referred to as Lahru Xo instead.
- On page 341, Seswenna sector is misspelled as Seswanna sector. Other mentions of the sector in the book follow the correct spelling.
- ISBN 9780593597934; November 14, 2023; Random House Worlds; US hardcover
- ISBN 9780593722855; May 28, 2024; Random House Worlds; US paperback