
The escapees had been hearing rumors for months of a new Imperial weapon but had been unable to get close to anybody who knew more. However, they were able to learn that Wookiee slaves were being sent to work on the project. Toalagar's fellow escapee, Sam Raider, informed the Alliance about the Wookiees and was chosen to lead Red Squadron on a rescue mission. Raider chose Farlander and Sunnar Jan-lo as his wingmates but replaced Jan-lo with Toalagar after his friend asked to take part, complaining of a lack of action.

The three Rebel pilots flew R-22 Spearheads against Assault Gunboats, defending the bulk freighter Toral while the Y-wings of Blue Squadron disabled the freighter ahead of a boarding operation. Although the mission was a success, Toalagar's R-22 was destroyed by a concussion missile launched by one of the Assault Gunboats during the first pass and the pilot was killed, a death which Toalagar's friend Raider blamed on himself.


  • X-Wing: The Official Strategy Guide
  • X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM: The Official Strategy Guide
