Transe Decar was a Human minister on the planet of Zaloriis during the rule of the Galactic Empire. Sometime between 2 ABY and 3 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War, Decar and a group called the Zalorian Separatists defected from the Empire to the growing Rebellion against it. Decar avoided paying Zaloriis's monthly tribute to the Empire, which attracted the attention of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. He traveled to Zaloriis to investigate, where Decar ambushed Vader and revealed his defection to the Rebellion as he declared independence from the Empire. Vader, however, was unfazed by the announcement and used the Force to strangle Decar.
A Human Zalorian, Transe Decar served as a minister on the planet of Zaloriis in the Expansion Region's Zaloriis system during the reign of the Galactic Empire. At some point during Decar's tenure as minister, the Empire initiated a top-secret research project on Zaloriis, the development of the All Terrain Armored Transport, overseen by Colonel Maximilian Veers. Sometime between 2 ABY and the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, during the Galactic Civil War, a conflict between the Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Decar and an organization called the Zalorian Separatists defected from the Empire and secretly joined the Rebellion. Together, they seized control of the Imperial forces on the planet, placing a large number of Imperial stormtroopers in prison and arresting Colonel Veers. Decar also deliberately avoided paying Zaloriis's monthly tribute to the Empire.
The lack of tribute attracted the attention of the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had been hunting the Alliance Fleet since the loss of the Empire's planet-destroying superweapon, the Death Star, at the Battle of Yavin. Knowing that the fleet's trail had grown cold after he defeated the Rebels on the planet Reytha, Vader took Decar's actions as a vague clue to the Rebel fleet's whereabouts and decided to visit Zaloriis personally to meet with him. Decar planned to capture Vader at the meeting by surrounding him and his entourage with Zalor Militiamen.
Arriving in a Lambda-class T-4a shuttle, Vader and eight stormtroopers walked a short distance from their landing site to meet with Decar. Decar's six militiamen surrounded the Imperial forces while he revealed Zaloriis's defection. Vader was unconcerned by his announcement and quickly used the Force to choke the minister to death. Vader then questioned one of Decar's soldiers on the location of the stormtroopers who had been captured and subsequently rescued them and Veers. The Empire proceeded to destroy the Rebel Alliance uprising on Zaloriis using the All Terrain Armored Transports.
Although the development of the All Terrain Armored Transport took place on Zaloriis, Decar was not given command of the project, and the Empire speculated that he was unaware of its existence. Decar was willing to betray the Empire and lured Darth Vader into a trap to capture him and declare his planet's independence. The minister was confused when Vader rejected Decar's "request" and screamed as he perished in the Sith Lord's Force grip. Decar had brown hair, light skin, and a mustache.
Transe Decar was first mentioned, with his surname mispelled as "Decaar," in Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Prima's Official Strategy Guide by Steven L. Kent, released on November 7, 2001. The character then appeared in the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, released on November 11, 2001. He was voiced by Michael Gough and was featured in the beginning of the fourth level of the Imperial campaign, "An Empire's Fury." Decar's in-game sprite and image are almost identical to the Zalor Militiamen, the only difference being that Decar is wearing a cloak.