During the Galactic Civil War, a series of battles, forming a campaign, unfolded on Reytha, an agricultural world of the Imperial dominion. As one of the Empire's crucial "breadbasket" planets, Reytha was invaded by forces of the Rebel Alliance, prompting its Governor, Antes Belladar, to request immediate assistance. Darth Vader then arrived with a military force to eradicate the Rebel presence on Reytha.
Following the Rebellion's loss of its headquarters on Yavin 4 in 0 ABY to the Galactic Empire, Rebel forces seized control of the planet Reytha to exploit its extensive food resources. Imperial Intelligence considered Reytha's governor, Antes Belladar, to be either weak or a traitor, which allowed the Rebels to establish bases on the Montrosa Islands and at Reytha Minor. Furthermore, bandits seized the Food Storage facilities at Breeda, while Page's Commandos launched an assault on the city of Teks. Escalating incursions forced Governor Belladar to request reinforcements. In response, the Sith Lord Darth Vader arrived aboard a Lambda-class shuttle with a strike force consisting of 2 Viper probe droids, 3 Light All Terrain Personal Transports, 2 Heavy Dewback troopers, 12 Stormtroopers, and a 2-1C medical droid. This campaign was part of the Rebel strategy to divert the attention of the Imperial Navy.

Darth Vader instructed his troops to proceed to the abandoned base in Yeere, with probe droids scouting ahead. After reactivating the base, Imperial forces initiated a counteroffensive against the Rebels. Subsequently, the Vipers reported to Vader regarding an attack on Teks during the herding of nerfs, which was discovered east of Yeere. The attacks on Teks were later traced to Reytha Minor, a Rebel-held city located to the north.
Additional units, including Imperial Thermal Detonator Troopers, Dark troopers, All Terrain Advance Raiders, Pummels, All Terrain Anti-Aircraft, and mobile artillery pieces, were equipped at Yeere in preparation for the offensive. The Imperials successfully destroyed the bandits' troop center in Breeda, and after Page's Commandos launched an attack on a stormtrooper squad in Teks, the town was reclaimed. Despite initially underestimating the size of the Rebel base in Reytha Minor, Darth Vader led his forces in the destruction of its command center.
As the campaign progressed, Darth Vader's frustration with Belladar intensified, and due to growing suspicions regarding the Governor's loyalty, Vader ultimately executed Belladar using a Force choke.

Subsequently, Darth Vader commanded all Imperial forces on Reytha to converge on the Montrosa Islands. He assumed command at an Imperial Fortress alongside 6 TIE/LN starfighters, 8 ASP-7 labor droids, 16 stormtroopers, 2 All Terrain Scout Transports, 3 All Terrain Personal Transports, and 2 Dewback troopers. In conjunction with other elements of the Imperial Military, he launched an assault on the Rebel bases located on the nearby islands, systematically eliminating every unit. To sustain his army and navy, he seized control of aquaharvesters.
The Alliance Army deployed Tauntaun Troopers, infantry troopers, and combat speeders. The Rebel Navy maintained patrols consisting of Hunters, Javelins, and Scouts. The Rebel Air Force persistently harassed the Imperials with Z-95 Headhunters and X-Wings. Nevertheless, Darth Vader and his forces successfully defeated the Rebel bases.
With the threat to Reytha neutralized, Darth Vader resumed his pursuit of the Rebel leadership within the Outer Rim Territories aboard his flagship, the Executor.
The Reytha campaign was first detailed in the strategy guide accompanying the 2001 video game Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds. It was featured as two successive missions during the Darth Vader campaign. Players have the freedom to assemble an army of any size to destroy the Rebel bases. The initial mission includes an optional objective to retake Teks and Breeda, although this article assumes that the player completed this task. Page's Commandos make an appearance during the first battle, despite the unit's formation occurring nearly 5 years later. Mara Jade can be observed on the game map during the first Reytha mission, but accessing her requires the use of cheat codes.