Unidentified Snivvian lieutenant

A male brown-skinned, brown-haired Snivvian was a lieutenant onboard a freighter owned by Noggox the Hutt. In 21 BBY, the ship was carrying droid brains to the Fondor Shipyards when it was intercepted near Shipwrights' Trace by a pirate ship. The Lieutenant informed the ship's captain that two of the thrusters were out and that they had lost the primary deflector shield generator. The pirate captain, Dool Pundar, contacted the vessel and ordered its surrender, sending B1-Series battle droids to secure it. Pundar allowed the crew to take refuge in an escape pod. As Pundar absconded with their freighter, the Lieutenant voiced his concerns to the Captain, who ordered him to transmit a distress signal to Coruscant. He and the crew were later recovered.

The lieutenant appears in 2011's The Clone Wars: Strange Allies, a comic tie-in to the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions series.

Behind the scenes

The lieutenant appears in 2011's The Clone Wars: Strange Allies, a comic tie-in to the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions series.



