Unidentified Consular-class cruiser (Noggox)

A Consular-class cruiser was the property of Noggox, a Hutt, during the era of the Clone Wars. In 22 BBY, the pirate known as Dool Pundar seized control of it.


During the Clone Wars, Noggox the Hutt utilized a Consular-class cruiser as a freighter. This vessel was painted silver and equipped with deflector shields. The ship also possessed a minimum of one escape pod. A Hologram emitter was installed on the bridge. Similar to other ships within its classification, it measured 115 meters in length and was powered by three sub light Dyne 577 radial atomizer engine units.


The freighter was transporting droid brains to the Fondor Shipyards in 22 BBY. The captain was a Klatooinian male, and the crew included a Snivvian lieutenant, a Rodian, an alien with six arms, and a Human. Near Shipwrights' Trace, Dool Pundar's pirate ship intercepted the freighter, disabling two of its thrusters and the primary shield generator. Pundar demanded the crew's surrender and deployed B1-series battle droids to seize control. Subsequently, Pundar permitted the crew to evacuate in an escape pod. After Pundar made off with their ship, the crew sent out a distress signal directed to the planet of Coruscant, the central world of the Galactic Republic. The ship was insured at the time it was stolen.

Behind the scenes

This freighter made an appearance in the 2011 comic, The Clone Wars: Strange Allies, which serves as a tie-in to the Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions series aimed at young readers.

