A male Weequay pirate was a member of the Ohnaka Gang during the Clone Wars. In 21 BBY, he served the gang as a scout on the planet Felucia. During an operation on the jungle world, the scout laid prone on a ridge overlooking the a nysillin farm that the gang were extorting. He stared into the village with a pair of macrobinoculars, noticing the villagers being trained in combat by three Jedi and a group of bounty hunters, but was noticed by Sugi. He fled and was pursued by the Kyuzo Embo. The pirate tossed aside the binoculars and mounted a Starhawk speeder bike, but Embo fired a well-aimed shot at it, and the Weequay bailed out before the vehicle exploded. He then confronted Embo with his blaster pistol, and when it was knocked away, tried to defeat his opponent in hand-to-hand combat, where he was overpowered and killed, with Embo ruthlessly snapping his neck.
The pirate had blue pants, a white shirt, a green holster over his torso, and a white hat. He wore knee-length, lace-up boots with red laces.
The scout was voiced by Stephen Stanton, who also voiced Dilanni in the same episode.