Talk: LennyF

Welcom here! What topics are you interested in in the Star Wars universe? --XXLVenom998 (talk) 19:02, January 8, 2013 (UTC)

Hello LennyF. I see that you've been doing a huge amount of grunt work on sources and appearances, especially on articles pertaining to Alderaanians such as Bail Organa, Breha and others. I'd like to thank you for that; I'm currently working on many of those articles, and having clean appearances/sources lists makes it much easier. I also wanted to ask you something: could give me a full transcript of the letter Madam Nestor sent to Bail Organa when Leia was expelled from Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies? It would be greatly appreciated. Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 21:56, January 27, 2013 (UTC)

Hey, thanks for providing the correct template and info for your Winter image. It's not always the user's fault for not providing the attribution template, as Wikia messes up stuff sometimes, but it's great to see that you put an effort towards fixing it. Keep up the good work with the Alderaanians, and welcome to the Wook. Cade Calrayn 16:09, January 30, 2013 (UTC)

Hey, the image "DeceptionFuneral.jpg" that you uploaded for the Padme Amidala page showing Obi-wans funeral is listed as coming from the episode "A Friend in Need". I would fix this myself, but I have no idea how, so I'm just letting you know. Serafina360 (talk) 19:04, February 3, 2013 (UTC)

Greetings. I noticed you have Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Complete Season Four in your collection. May I ask if you own the DVD or the BlueRay-Version? I would need the information about Bulduga in the latter one to update him. Thanks for your time. Clone Commander Lee 21:39, March 30, 2013 (UTC)

Salut à toi, LennyF. Encore félicitation pour l'enthousiasme dont tu fais preuve en menant cette tâche ingrate qu'est l'ajout des sources et des apparitions ! Je vois que tu as ajouté à l'article de la reine Jamillia qu'elle était mentionnée dans la base de donnée du jeu Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes. Je présume que tu possèdes toi-même ledit jeu ; en ce cas, pourrais-tu me dire ce que contient cette banque de donnée au sujet de la reine ? Pas grand'chose, j'imagine. Bien à toi. --LelalMekha (talk) 14:34, April 2, 2013 (UTC)

Salut à toi, LennyF. J'ai constaté que tu faisais partie de la petite poignée d'utilisateurs possédant un exemplaire de Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars. D'après une liste de sources élaborée sans doute avant que je ne travaille sur l'article, je constate que Breha Organa fait partie des personnages repris dans ce livre. Pourrais-tu, éventuellement, me communiquer ce qui est écrit à son sujet ? Bien à toi. --LelalMekha (talk) 10:02, April 11, 2013 (UTC)

Strange. I deleted the image, so perhaps you could try and reupload it again with the same file name (or different). Looking at the file history, it seems like the same image was uploaded (200x276), instead of your higher resolution. JangFett 16:58, June 25, 2013 (UTC)

Hey there, Lenny. Thanks for the message. I do applaude your work on keeping our Insider issues up to date, but the italics versus "quotation marks" difference is endemic to the English language itself: it's standard punctuation. While the articles have been italicized for the majority of the past Insider issues, that is objectively incorrect, and per the MOS, "we mandate standard American English spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage." At some point, someone started italicizing all of the articles—it was early on in the Wook's history, before we were really trying to be conscious of this stuff—and it has been done the objectively wrong way ever since. The same thing happened with short stories, which is bit confusing since people see their names in print—quoted— commonly, yet the same mistake keeps getting made because it was first made a long time ago. Thankfully, the difference between when italics and quotation marks are to be used is (mostly) straightforward. I tracked down some resources to help you out. Purdue OWL is a highly respected writing manual from Purdue University and the relevant parts of that page are under "Quotation Marks" and "Italics." For a more straightforward cheat sheet, here's a page from St. Louis Community College that just lists it out. I hope those help you in the future. That "mostly" I mentioned before is that sometimes there's a grey area when people are talking about really short novelettes or novellas. Occasionally, they can be found both quoted and italicized depending on if they're treated as books or "short stories." Nonetheless, that normally isn't a problem, and is determined one way or the other by asking "Would this stand alone as a book?" and considering the number of pages. Consensus can usually be reached as in the case of Of Mice and Men, which usually runs about 90 pages. Cheers and keep up the good work! :D NaruHina 20:51, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

May I ask why you removed the link in Species to Sentient Species? If you look in the talk page, I explained why I included it: Also, when you remove something, please put the reason in the Edit Summary. Thank you --Richterbelmont10 (talk) 22:54, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

Bonjour LennyF, je te contacte car tu semble être l'un des contributeurs francophones de Wookieepedia. Je voulais te faire part de l'existence de Wookiepédia_fr, la "version en français" de ce wiki et par la même occasion t'inviter à venir nous donner un coup de main si le cœur t'en dit :) (création, traduction, organisation...) Ton expérience sur Wookieepedia nous serait d'un grand secours ! A bientôt j'espère Trazeris (talk) 14:41, July 3, 2013 (UTC)

Bonsoir LennyF. Puisque tu possèdes un exemplaire de Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, j'aurais encore une fois besoin de tes services. Pourrais-tu me dire si ce livre contient le moindre renseignement sur Sateen Vestswe, hormis son nom ? Je te remercie d'avance. ;-) --LelalMekha (talk) 20:24, September 3, 2013 (UTC)

Hi, the promotional cards included with Star Wars Insider #145 were produced together as a coordinating effort by both Topps and HighBridge. These (4) promo cards are to promote both the new card set from Topps, and the original radio drama, published by HighBridge, which will include two Topps cards from the set. Hope that clears up any confusion.

Hey, Lenny. You probably don't know it, but the community is really impressed with your work, and we elected you the Wookieepedian of the Month! Congratulations. You definitely deserve it. Your name will be all shiny on our Main Page for the next thirty days. Feel free to show it off! Menkooroo (talk) 01:46, November 1, 2013 (UTC)

Hello LennyF, would you perhaps have the Star Wars Illustrated: A New Hope cards, seeing some of your recent edits? If so, would the In the War Room card picture Bob Hudsol and Evram Lajaie? Similarly, does the Yavin Ceremony card picture everyone at the top of the stairs? Also, would the Captain Antilles Caught card include Unidentified stormtrooper commander (Tantive IV), who I know had an expanded role in the radio drama? Thanks. Hanzo Hasashi (talk) 02:29, November 11, 2013 (UTC)

Hello. I noticed Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels in your collection and wondered if you could tell me what info is given about Tan Yuster, Bairdon Jace, Que-Mars Redath-Gom, Khaat Qiyn or other Geonosis strike team members is in there? Thanks for your time. Clone Commander Lee 00:11, March 17, 2014 (UTC)

Hello LennyF, would you by chance have the physical cards for Star Wars: Galactic Files Series 2, or your only access was from the Internet? I am looking for whatever text M'Kae's card has, as I have written here, as his card is one of the only ones where I can't find the back text on the Internet. Given the state of his article on Wookieepedia at the time, I am wondering (and quite wary of) if the card would have canonized at least the storyline surrounding, if not the entire Imperial-aligned mission related to him, as neither Starsider or I were aware of the differing storylines based on player allegiance at the time of the card game's publication. Or maybe it simply said he was on Restuss after the Battle of Yavin, or mentioned nothing of that Galaxies stuff. In any case, if you have it, can you transcribe the text for me, and I can figure out if I need to overhaul the whole article? Thanks. Hanzo Hasashi (talk) 18:46, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

Bien le bonjour, LennyF. C'est encore moi, LelalMekha, qui débarque avec mes éternelles demande de vérification dans Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels. Si tu as l'occasion, pourrais-tu jeter un œil sur ce qu'on y dit de Paddy Accu ? J'ai l'intention de nominer l'article incesseamment sous peu, mais je ne peux laisser de côté aucune source, même si je présume qu'il n'y aura pas grand-chose là-dedans. Bien à toi. -- 14:52, July 1, 2014 (UTC)

Hey, Lenny. Would you mind reuploading that larger Insider 154 cover image as a new file? We should actually keep the one that was originally there in the cover gallery since they're a bit different from one another. Yours appears to be the final version and should go in the infobox. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 19:08, November 29, 2014 (UTC)

Hmm. The girl in the picture you sent me, I thought that she was supposed to be Pooja. It certainly seems to match the picture of Pooja on her Legends page. Also, the existing image on here, the one you linked me, it identifies the girl behind Jar Jar as Ryoo. ProfessorTofty (talk) 19:10, April 6, 2015 (UTC)

Hey. I assume from your recent uploads that you have a digital copy (or the ability to make digital copies) of Insider 162. If that's the case, can you upload the image of Leia from Page 34? That would be perfect for the Leia Organa infobox. Thanks! - Brandon Rhea 16:36, December 25, 2015 (UTC)

There's nothing wrong with my edits on Naboo page, please stop delete!

Bonjour, LennyF. J'ai remarqué que Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia figurait dans ta collection, et je me demandais si tu pourrais y vérifier quelque chose pour moi quand tu auras l'occasion de le faire. Ce serait possible ? C'est au sujet de Thi-Sen. Bien à toi. --LelalMekha (talk) 12:26, November 30, 2016 (UTC)


Welcom here! What topics are you interested in in the Star Wars universe? --XXLVenom998 (talk) 19:02, January 8, 2013 (UTC)

Fellow Alderaanian—if I dare say

Hello LennyF. I see that you've been doing a huge amount of grunt work on sources and appearances, especially on articles pertaining to Alderaanians such as Bail Organa, Breha and others. I'd like to thank you for that; I'm currently working on many of those articles, and having clean appearances/sources lists makes it much easier. I also wanted to ask you something: could give me a full transcript of the letter Madam Nestor sent to Bail Organa when Leia was expelled from Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies? It would be greatly appreciated. Regards. --LelalMekha (talk) 21:56, January 27, 2013 (UTC)

  • Thank you LennyF. You seem like a resourceful an reliable chum. Let me return the favor sometime. --LelalMekha (talk) 15:48, January 28, 2013 (UTC)
  • P.S.: Gosh, but I see you're in fact a lady chum—I apologize, my tone probably sounded too familiar. Et francophone en plus... J'ai l'air bien bête maintenant, à t'avoir envoyé une requête dans la langue de Milton... Je le saurai pour l'avenir. Il y a si peu de gens causant le français par ici... c'est toujours bon de savoir qui exactement. :-) --LelalMekha (talk) 16:02, January 28, 2013 (UTC)

Winter image

Hey, thanks for providing the correct template and info for your Winter image. It's not always the user's fault for not providing the attribution template, as Wikia messes up stuff sometimes, but it's great to see that you put an effort towards fixing it. Keep up the good work with the Alderaanians, and welcome to the Wook. Cade Calrayn 16:09, January 30, 2013 (UTC)

DeceptionFuneral Image

Hey, the image "DeceptionFuneral.jpg" that you uploaded for the Padme Amidala page showing Obi-wans funeral is listed as coming from the episode "A Friend in Need". I would fix this myself, but I have no idea how, so I'm just letting you know. Serafina360 (talk) 19:04, February 3, 2013 (UTC)


Greetings. I noticed you have Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Complete Season Four in your collection. May I ask if you own the DVD or the BlueRay-Version? I would need the information about Bulduga in the latter one to update him. Thanks for your time. Clone Commander Lee 21:39, March 30, 2013 (UTC)


Salut à toi, LennyF. Encore félicitation pour l'enthousiasme dont tu fais preuve en menant cette tâche ingrate qu'est l'ajout des sources et des apparitions ! Je vois que tu as ajouté à l'article de la reine Jamillia qu'elle était mentionnée dans la base de donnée du jeu Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes. Je présume que tu possèdes toi-même ledit jeu ; en ce cas, pourrais-tu me dire ce que contient cette banque de donnée au sujet de la reine ? Pas grand'chose, j'imagine. Bien à toi. --LelalMekha (talk) 14:34, April 2, 2013 (UTC)

  • Au temps pour moi ! J'aurais bien fait de vérifier moi-même l'historique avant de supposer que tu était bien l'auteure de cet ajout. Mais merci tout de même ! :) --LelalMekha (talk) 15:09, April 2, 2013 (UTC)

Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars

Salut à toi, LennyF. J'ai constaté que tu faisais partie de la petite poignée d'utilisateurs possédant un exemplaire de Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars. D'après une liste de sources élaborée sans doute avant que je ne travaille sur l'article, je constate que Breha Organa fait partie des personnages repris dans ce livre. Pourrais-tu, éventuellement, me communiquer ce qui est écrit à son sujet ? Bien à toi. --LelalMekha (talk) 10:02, April 11, 2013 (UTC)

  • Cela ne fait pas grand'chose à se mettre sous la dent, en effet. Mais merci tout de même d'avoir pris le temps de regarder. Cordialement. --LelalMekha (talk) 15:08, April 11, 2013 (UTC)

Re:SWI 137

Strange. I deleted the image, so perhaps you could try and reupload it again with the same file name (or different). Looking at the file history, it seems like the same image was uploaded (200x276), instead of your higher resolution. JangFett 16:58, June 25, 2013 (UTC)

  • No problem. Let me know if you have any questions. :) JangFett 17:05, June 25, 2013 (UTC)

Re: Italics vs. Quotes

Hey there, Lenny. Thanks for the message. I do applaude your work on keeping our Insider issues up to date, but the italics versus "quotation marks" difference is endemic to the English language itself: it's standard punctuation. While the articles have been italicized for the majority of the past Insider issues, that is objectively incorrect, and per the MOS, "we mandate standard American English spelling, grammar, punctuation, and word usage." At some point, someone started italicizing all of the articles—it was early on in the Wook's history, before we were really trying to be conscious of this stuff—and it has been done the objectively wrong way ever since. The same thing happened with short stories, which is bit confusing since people see their names in print—quoted— commonly, yet the same mistake keeps getting made because it was first made a long time ago. Thankfully, the difference between when italics and quotation marks are to be used is (mostly) straightforward. I tracked down some resources to help you out. Purdue OWL is a highly respected writing manual from Purdue University and the relevant parts of that page are under "Quotation Marks" and "Italics." For a more straightforward cheat sheet, here's a page from St. Louis Community College that just lists it out. I hope those help you in the future. That "mostly" I mentioned before is that sometimes there's a grey area when people are talking about really short novelettes or novellas. Occasionally, they can be found both quoted and italicized depending on if they're treated as books or "short stories." Nonetheless, that normally isn't a problem, and is determined one way or the other by asking "Would this stand alone as a book?" and considering the number of pages. Consensus can usually be reached as in the case of Of Mice and Men, which usually runs about 90 pages. Cheers and keep up the good work! :D NaruHina 20:51, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

  • Actually, {{InsiderCite}} does both italics and quotes for stylistic reasons only, not pragmatic ones. It's so that it matches the italization of Insider on the same line. I don't think it makes the citation look substantially more pretty, but that's just the way things go sometimes. It would be simple to change to the standard way, if there was a will to do so. Anyway, it shouldn't be used as a template for in-text punctuation. Writing that out, I think that's kinda funny, actually. xD Frankly, it would be better if it were just one way or the other, because having both isn't only redundant: it's confusing as well. Someone reading "Good Hunting" won't know what to make of it. I would prefer it to be the quotes only like a writing manual would dictate, needless to say. Nonetheless, if you wanted to have it as italics as the only one before taking it up in the Senate Hall or Consensus Track, that'd be fine by me for an interim measure. Or, really, just bring it up in one of those places first. I see that you already changed it to both italics and quotes. There's not really a reason for you to change it from both to one, only to potentially have to change it to the other one later. x) NaruHina 17:06, June 29, 2013 (UTC)

Changes to Species

May I ask why you removed the link in Species to Sentient Species? If you look in the talk page, I explained why I included it: Also, when you remove something, please put the reason in the Edit Summary. Thank you --Richterbelmont10 (talk) 22:54, June 28, 2013 (UTC)

Wookiepédia, version en français

Bonjour LennyF, je te contacte car tu semble être l'un des contributeurs francophones de Wookieepedia. Je voulais te faire part de l'existence de Wookiepédia_fr, la "version en français" de ce wiki et par la même occasion t'inviter à venir nous donner un coup de main si le cœur t'en dit :) (création, traduction, organisation...) Ton expérience sur Wookieepedia nous serait d'un grand secours ! A bientôt j'espère Trazeris (talk) 14:41, July 3, 2013 (UTC)

  • Merci pour la réponse, n'hésites pas à contribuer, même de façon limitée Trazeris (talk) 15:34, July 3, 2013 (UTC)

Sateen Vestswe dans Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars

Bonsoir LennyF. Puisque tu possèdes un exemplaire de Dressing a Galaxy: The Costumes of Star Wars, j'aurais encore une fois besoin de tes services. Pourrais-tu me dire si ce livre contient le moindre renseignement sur Sateen Vestswe, hormis son nom ? Je te remercie d'avance. ;-) --LelalMekha (talk) 20:24, September 3, 2013 (UTC)

Star Wars Insider 145 promo cards

Hi, the promotional cards included with Star Wars Insider #145 were produced together as a coordinating effort by both Topps and HighBridge. These (4) promo cards are to promote both the new card set from Topps, and the original radio drama, published by HighBridge, which will include two Topps cards from the set. Hope that clears up any confusion.


  • Thank you for adding my link properly :) --Sompeetalay (talk) 17:12, October 29, 2013 (UTC)


Hey, Lenny. You probably don't know it, but the community is really impressed with your work, and we elected you the Wookieepedian of the Month! Congratulations. You definitely deserve it. Your name will be all shiny on our Main Page for the next thirty days. Feel free to show it off! Menkooroo (talk) 01:46, November 1, 2013 (UTC)

  • Congrats Lenny :) Supreme Emperor (talk) 01:49, November 1, 2013 (UTC)
  • Toutes mes félicitations, très chère, et bienvenue au club ! ;-) --LelalMekha (talk) 08:13, November 1, 2013 (UTC)

Star Wars Illustrated

Hello LennyF, would you perhaps have the Star Wars Illustrated: A New Hope cards, seeing some of your recent edits? If so, would the In the War Room card picture Bob Hudsol and Evram Lajaie? Similarly, does the Yavin Ceremony card picture everyone at the top of the stairs? Also, would the Captain Antilles Caught card include Unidentified stormtrooper commander (Tantive IV), who I know had an expanded role in the radio drama? Thanks. Hanzo Hasashi (talk) 02:29, November 11, 2013 (UTC)


Hello. I noticed Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels in your collection and wondered if you could tell me what info is given about Tan Yuster, Bairdon Jace, Que-Mars Redath-Gom, Khaat Qiyn or other Geonosis strike team members is in there? Thanks for your time. Clone Commander Lee 00:11, March 17, 2014 (UTC)

Galactic Files

Hello LennyF, would you by chance have the physical cards for Star Wars: Galactic Files Series 2, or your only access was from the Internet? I am looking for whatever text M'Kae's card has, as I have written here, as his card is one of the only ones where I can't find the back text on the Internet. Given the state of his article on Wookieepedia at the time, I am wondering (and quite wary of) if the card would have canonized at least the storyline surrounding, if not the entire Imperial-aligned mission related to him, as neither Starsider or I were aware of the differing storylines based on player allegiance at the time of the card game's publication. Or maybe it simply said he was on Restuss after the Battle of Yavin, or mentioned nothing of that Galaxies stuff. In any case, if you have it, can you transcribe the text for me, and I can figure out if I need to overhaul the whole article? Thanks. Hanzo Hasashi (talk) 18:46, April 4, 2014 (UTC)

Paddy Accu

Bien le bonjour, LennyF. C'est encore moi, LelalMekha, qui débarque avec mes éternelles demande de vérification dans Star Wars Chronicles: The Prequels. Si tu as l'occasion, pourrais-tu jeter un œil sur ce qu'on y dit de Paddy Accu ? J'ai l'intention de nominer l'article incesseamment sous peu, mais je ne peux laisser de côté aucune source, même si je présume qu'il n'y aura pas grand-chose là-dedans. Bien à toi. -- 14:52, July 1, 2014 (UTC)

Insider 154

Hey, Lenny. Would you mind reuploading that larger Insider 154 cover image as a new file? We should actually keep the one that was originally there in the cover gallery since they're a bit different from one another. Yours appears to be the final version and should go in the infobox. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 19:08, November 29, 2014 (UTC)

  • OK, no problem. I will re-upload it right away, and do it that way from now on.--LennyF 19:15, November 29, 2014 (UTC)

Ryoo Naberrie

Hmm. The girl in the picture you sent me, I thought that she was supposed to be Pooja. It certainly seems to match the picture of Pooja on her Legends page. Also, the existing image on here, the one you linked me, it identifies the girl behind Jar Jar as Ryoo. ProfessorTofty (talk) 19:10, April 6, 2015 (UTC)

  • The source I saw that said that the girl in the cloak is Ryoo is this image here. I know Wookieepedia isn't a source, but since I didn't see any other prominently placed girl in the scene besides Pooja, I went with the information, believing it to be correct based on the other information I had and that the appearance seemed similar. As for Sola Naberrie, I see. However, the credits of Sith do list Sola as being in the film. I wonder where she is then? ProfessorTofty (talk) 20:40, April 6, 2015 (UTC)

Insider 162

Hey. I assume from your recent uploads that you have a digital copy (or the ability to make digital copies) of Insider 162. If that's the case, can you upload the image of Leia from Page 34? That would be perfect for the Leia Organa infobox. Thanks! - Brandon Rhea 16:36, December 25, 2015 (UTC)

  • Thanks a lot! - Brandon Rhea 16:42, December 25, 2015 (UTC)

Naboo Legends

There's nothing wrong with my edits on Naboo page, please stop delete!
