Whale may refer to one of the following:
Whale, a type of creature that existed across the galaxy
- , a massive whale that could travel through hyperspace
- , also known as the
- , a whale species
- , a type of aquatic whale that lived in the coral reefs of Lew'el
- , an animal found on Utapau
- , a creature sustained within some exogorths
- , an oceanic creature found on Uthura
- , a huge creature on Tatooine
- , an organic living creature that DoctorCylo utilized as his research base and fleet
- Aiwha, also known as the
- Cartusion whale, a whale species in the Cartusio system
- , a whale-like aquatic creature on Lamaredd
- Hoth whale, a species of non-sentient whales that dwelled in the sea of Hoth
- Naboo whale, an aquatic creature native to the southernmost oceans of Naboo
- Nus Whale, a creature native to Dorumaa
- Ruhau-whale, an animal found on Utapau
- , a species of horned animals from Kintan
- Whaladon, a large sentient mammal native to the oceans of Dac
- , a whale species native to the Sea of Sivoria