This manual is a comprehensive technical description and maintenance guide, covering the Star Wars YT-1300 freighter, of which the Millennium Falcon is a derivative. Covering the ships appearing in the original 'classic' trilogy of films, plus The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, and Solo movies, this comprehensive reference book offers a unique insight into the history, construction, systems, maintenance and modifications of each craft in the YT-1300 range. Fully illustrated throughout with new, specially commissioned cutaways and artwork, plus drawings and photographs from the Lucasfilm archive.
- Page 33 incorrectly states that the sabacc game in which Lando lost the Falcon to Han took place on Vandor; it actually occurred on Numidian Prime.
- Page 45 states that the Falcon lost its sensor dish at the Battle of Yavin; it was actually lost at the Battle of Endor.
- On page 121, "repulsor" is misspelled as "repulser".
- ISBN 9781785212222; November 5, 2018; Haynes Publishing; UK hardcover
- ISBN 9781683835288; November 27, 2018; Insight Editions; US hardcover