However, as the Unknown Regions planet Ilum and its kyber crystals grew in prominence to the Jedi Order, Zophis crystals and their use began to decline. Later, by the Clone Wars, between 22 BBY and 19 BBY, Zoph fell under Separatist control, with travel to the planet becoming hostile for Jedi. By the conflict's time, though, some lightsabers still utilized Zophis crystals, but were extremely rare, valuing at 11,000 credits.
Zophis crystals were introduced in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 supplement to Fantasy Flight Games' series of Star Wars Roleplaying products.
Zophis crystals were introduced in Rise of the Separatists, a 2019 supplement to Fantasy Flight Games' series of Star Wars Roleplaying products.
- Rise of the Separatists