Acklay-class mobile fortress

The Acklay-class mobile fortress, more commonly known as the Acklay Battle Fortress, functioned as a mobile command center for Imperial Army units loyal to Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire and was an underwater walker. This Acklay-class was named after the Acklay species native to Vendaxa, and its design was seemingly inspired by the creature's appearance.


An Acklay recalling Shark subfighters.

These massive vehicles housed a complement of Shark underwater fighters, in addition to aquatic assault stormtroopers. Positioned on the underside of the vehicle was the battle fortress's docking bay, which allowed Imperial Army troops to deploy by simply descending through an opening. Technicians manned the docking bay, providing maintenance for the Shark fighters and managing fuel supplies. A range of laser cannons armed the battle fortress, notably a large double cannon extending from the elevated bridge.


During the Skirmish on Dac, the Acklay Battle Fortress was deployed to hunt down and massacre Mon Calamari refugees under the orders of Emperor Darth Krayt. The Mon Calamari Rangers, under the leadership of Imperial Knight Treis Sinde, attempted to seize one of these fortresses to establish a mobile command base, enhancing their guerrilla warfare capabilities. Commander [Sturves] (/article/sturves) captained one such Acklay Battle Fortress, the Sea Lion, and he almost lost control of his ship when Sinde infiltrated it via the docking bay.

Behind the scenes

The Acklay-class mobile fortress made an appearance in Legacy (2006) 32, a comic issue within the 2009 Fight Another Day story arc of Star Wars: Legacy.

