The Akk Guards represented the most skilled fighters within Kar Vastor's Upland Liberation Front during the Summertime War which took place on Haruun Kal.
These Korunnai warriors underwent specialized training by Vastor himself, transforming them into beings as savage as the akk dogs with which they shared a bond. They were instructed in the skillful use of their distinctive weapon, the keenly edged vibroshields. Beyond their connection to the akk dogs, the Guards shared a deep bond with Vastor and amongst themselves. Vastor imparted to the Guards a more profound comprehension and command of pelekotan than was typically possessed by Korunnai. The Guards, along with Vastor, harnessed instinct, rage, and aggression. Jedi Master Mace Windu, during his mission to Haruun Kal, noted that they, in a sense, mirrored the dark side of the Jedi, even in their choice of weaponry.
During Master Windu's time on Haruun Kal, while searching for Depa Billaba, he discovered she had allied herself with Vastor and his Akk Guards. In the battle of Pelek Baw, they posed a threat to the capital city of Pelek Baw; however, with assistance from Nick Rostu, Windu successfully overcame them.
Three of the twelve Guards were known by the names Prouk, Thaffal, and Iolu.