
Alakatha, a planet known for its beaches, was a celestial body. The pilot Rep Boy expressed a desire to live a long life and die from heatstroke on Alakatha's beaches. This occurred in 4 ABY while he was playing Who? What? Where? with fellow New Republic pilots on the frigate Hellion's Dare. Tragically, Rep Boy's aspiration was cut short when he was killed by the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during an attack on the Hellion's Dare.

Behind the scenes

The Star Wars canon currently mentions Alakatha in Alphabet Squadron, which is the first book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy. Alexander Freed penned this 2019 novel. In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Alakatha was a resort moon featured in the 1998 novel I, Jedi by Michael A. Stackpole.

