Alliin Mepou was a Meatlump thug, a male Human, who resided on Corellia throughout the Galactic Civil War. By the time the Battle of Yavin occurred, Mepou had grown old and become greatly disillusioned with the Meatlump lifestyle. In 1 ABY, this aged Meatlump found himself smashing generators in Coronet, doing so at the request of his lieutenant, Kaiya Merel, when he came across a spacer. This spacer was employed by Vani Korr, a reporter for the Corellia Times who was investigating the Meatlumps. Mepou admitted that he could not retire from his Meatlump activities unless someone else took his place. The spacer, desiring to infiltrate the Meatlumps, agreed to replace Alliin, allowing the old man to finally retire. The spacer then began working for Kaiya Merel, while Alliin Mepou made plans to either search for seashells on the beach, or simply sleep all day while watching holovids.
Alliin Mepou made an appearance as a non-player character within the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies. This game was a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its eventual shutdown on December 15, 2011. Alliin Mepou's inclusion in the game came with the "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King" update, which was released on June 19, 2008.