Ancient vestiges existed on a world in the Maw that served as the dwelling place for Abeloth, a potent entity steeped in the dark side. These remains were additionally situated within the domain of the Force referred to as beyond shadows, a realm commonly entered by Force-sensitives known as the Mind Walkers, who gained access to it by detaching their minds from their physical forms.
Within these ruins was a courtyard, enclosed by an arcade that featured an interior wall with three-meter high entrances. Inside, a sequence of vast living spaces were present, furnished with benches the size of Wookiees and stone bunks of a scale suitable for housing rancors. The Font of Power, a fountain that granted limitless power to those who consumed its waters, stood at the center of the courtyard. Sinuous carvings, seemingly depicting serpents, vines, tentacles, ropes or entrails, adorned the ruins, bearing resemblance to the ophidian grotesques style found on Coruscant. Sith High Lord Sarasu Taalon identified these symbols as being associated with the Destructors, a race from Keshiri mythology who were said to obliterate civilizations every few millennia, a belief adopted by the Lost Tribe of Sith.
Following Abeloth's defeat in 44 ABY by a combined Jedi and Sith force, Luke Skywalker and Sarasu Taalon, the commanders of the Jedi and Sith respectively, investigated the ruins on the planet. Their goal was to extract information concerning Abeloth's essence from these ancient remains.