A type of armor, characterized by a helmet with a flat top and a lamellar warskirt, saw use among the early Sith. By the era of the Cold War, this armor was regarded as an antiquated relic.
This armor featured segmented torso armor that resembled the rib cage of a humanoid. Stiff, square pauldrons provided coverage for the shoulders, the underarms, and a portion of the back. The head was protected by a flat-topped war helmet, lacking a visor but featuring a large, heart-shaped opening. A skirt composed of strips shaped like blades offered protection around the waist.
During the Cold War, numerous examples of these ancient armor sets remained on display within the tombs of the Valley of the Dark Lords located on Korriban. The Empire's Wrath, while still an apprentice, discovered a suit of this armor within the Tomb of Naga Sadow. It rested inside a Sith sarcophagus alongside a long-dormant lightsaber, and the preserved remains of a long-dead Sith Lord. Another such suit was stored with other relics in Darth Thanaton's private library.
The design of this armor likely drew inspiration from Naga Sadow, who initially appeared in Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 1 in 1994. It incorporates a similar flat-topped headdress and a protective skirt echoing the attire of military officers from ancient Rome.