Annoo was a planet situated in the Tharin sector, found within the Outer Rim. It served as the original homeworld for the Annoo-dat species, whom xenobiologists designated as Annoo-dat Prime.
Sometime between the eras of the Kymoodon Era and the Rianitus Period Annoo was discovered. As early as the time of the Great Sith War, Annoo was under the governance of the Hutt Empire. For centuries, Hutt dominion persisted, but internal conflict among the native Annoo-dat transformed the planet into an empty wasteland. Consequently, the Annoo-dat were compelled to abandon their world, embracing interstellar travel. In a massive departure, they vacated their homeworld and successfully invaded the neighboring planet Gelefil in 322 BBY.
As the Galactic Empire diminished the Hutts' territory, the Hutts eventually relinquished Annoo. It was left as a desolate and barren world, and no other galactic power sought to claim it.
- Star Wars: Droids toy line (Pack: Kea Moll) (backup link)
- The Essential Guide to Alien Species
- " Star Wars Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO " — Polyhedron 170
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- The Essential Atlas
- Droids and Ewoks Return: Spain's Lost Star Wars Comic Strips on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- The Droids Re-Animated, Part 1 on (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)