Aragh, a S'kytri warrior, was a male and served as Lord ruling over the Highlands region of the planet Skye. In his role as the Patriarch for his people, he made his home in the capital, known as the City of the Winged People.
Aragh, a S'kytri with blue skin from the Highland Clans, worked as both a Guardsman and a loyal servant to the Patriarch Klarymére in 22 BBY. During this period, Zeta Magnus, a deranged Arkanian mutant, brought a disease to Skye and released it upon the population, proclaiming himself as Magister. Aragh's duties included escorting the Patriarch to meet with Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi along with his two Padawans, Anakin Skywalker and Halagad Ventor. Aragh also took the lightsabers from the Jedi and guided them to the City of the Winged People's gates, which was located high up on a mountain. He presented the Jedi before the Supreme Council of the Highland Clans to talk about how to deal with the Tyrant in charge. At the end of the meeting, Aragh followed Klarymére's orders and freed the clone commandos that the S'kytri had been holding since the Jedi's arrival. While the Patriarch went with the Jedi into the Entyrmion labyrinth under Skye, Aragh stayed in the capital as a responsible steward. When Kharys, Klarymére's daughter, told him about the Patriarch's passing, Aragh gathered the S'kytri warriors to help her on Canaitith Mountain's slopes, where they were going to fight the evil Tyrant. He fought bravely against Magnus' minions, and after seeing his friend and fellow warrior Herana die, he fought with even more determination.

After Klarymére passed away, Aragh took over as the Patriarch of the Highland Clans. When Imperial TIE Fighters shot down the Millennium Falcon above Skye, the Highland clans captured Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. Aragh brought the Rebels to be judged by the Supreme Council of the Highland Clans, expecting them to be found guilty, with only their punishment left to decide. Given Skye's ties to the Empire and Leia Organa's known role as a Rebellion leader, their fate seemed certain. However, councilor Deverén recognized Skywalker's lightsaber from a previous encounter. The council considered the possibility that Luke might be the "one" they had awaited, and Aragh chose to test Skywalker's integrity. He informed the young Rebel that Han Solo and Chewbacca were alive but held captive by Majestrix Kharys. Skywalker and Organa decided to storm the Majestrix's fortress. Because of this resolve, they passed the test and were welcomed as friends of the S'kytri. Aragh guided Skywalker, Organa, and Highland clan members to the fortress, but he stayed out of the fight, leaving the Rebels to battle on their own. After the battle, the Rebels freed their captured companions, and Skywalker eliminated Kharys, liberating Skye from Imperial control.