Herana was a S'kytri woman of the Lowland Clans hailing from the planet of Skye. As a member of the Patriarch's personal guard, she was stationed in the capital city, also known as the City of the Winged People.
Herana, a green-skinned S'kytri from the Lowland Clans, served as a guard for the Patriarch, Klarymére in 22 BBY. During this time, Zeta Magnus, a deranged Arkanian mutant, unleashed a pathogen upon the people of Skye, proclaiming himself Magister. Herana escorted the Patriarch to a meeting point with Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his two Padawans, Anakin Skywalker and Halagad Ventor. She then acquired ammunition from the Jedi's clone commando allies and accompanied them to the gates of the City of the Winged People, which was located high in the mountains. She aided Ventor in crossing the bridge to the Supreme Council Tower and brought the Jedi before the Supreme Council of the Highland Clans to discuss the future of the Tyrant that ruled over them. After Kharys, Klarymére's daughter, informed Aragh about the Patriarch's death, Herana joined Aragh and other S'kytri warriors in an assault on the slopes of Canaitith Mountain to confront the Evil Tyrant. She fought bravely against Magnus' minions, the corrupted Outland Clans, but was killed in battle when an Outlander tore out her throat with his teeth.