Arah asteroid belt

The Belt of Arah, alternatively referred to as the Arah asteroid belt, existed as an asteroid belt situated in the Dreighton Nebula of the Arah system, itself located within the Dantus sector of the Outer Rim territories.


Voolvif Monn, as a young child, became an orphan on an isolated planet not far from the Arah asteroid belt.

Following the Battle of Yavin, the Empire established a mining facility to extract oridium ore; the extracted material was subsequently utilized in the Phantom TIE initiative. Derillium mines were scattered throughout the belt. However, the Rebel Rascal Group, composed of Ace Merrick, Rookie One, and Ina Rece, destroyed the facility by targeting its cooling mechanism, which caused the reactor to overheat. Upon completion of the mission, three Phantom TIEs uncloaked themselves and launched an ambush on Rascal group just as they were preparing to jump to hyperspace. Merrick and Rece both perished in the encounter, but Rookie One managed to escape into hyperspace.

