ARC-170 Expansion Pack

The ARC-170 Expansion Pack serves as an addition to the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game created by Fantasy Flight Games. This expansion provides a meticulously crafted miniature of the Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter. Its release occurred on October 1, 2016, integrated within the game's ninth expansion wave.

Summary from the Publisher

During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance managed to salvage, repair, and upgrade a limited number of ARC-170 starfighters. Despite their age, these ships remained formidable assets, boasting potent cannons, robust shielding, and a rear-mounted gunner. The ARC-170 Expansion Pack brings this starfighter into X-Wing™ as a resilient spacecraft equipped with two attack dice, a secondary firing arc, and slots for both crew and astromech upgrades. Furthermore, four ship cards present Shara Bey, Poe Dameron's mother, alongside three other skilled pilots, while nine fresh upgrades enable diverse and imaginative customizations.

Contents Breakdown

The ARC-170 Expansion Pack includes a single miniature, accompanied by a pair of maneuver dials, action tokens, as well as pilot cards and upgrade cards.

Ship Elements

  • ARC-170 miniature
  • Plastic base
  • Ship token (2)
  • Maneuver dial
  • Critical Hit token
  • Focus token
  • Evade token
  • Shield token (2)
  • ID token (55-56)
  • Target Lock token (CC/DD)
  • Stress token

Card Inventory

Pilot Identification Cards

Enhancement Cards

Reference Aids

  • Auxiliary Firing Arc

Additional Information and Citations

Off-Site Resources

  • ARC-170 Expansion Pack on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Stay in Attack Formation on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • Alliance Overhaul on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
  • What's in a Dial? on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
