Braylen Stramm was a human of male designation. He abandoned the service of the Galactic Empire and instead became a pilot of a starfighter for the Rebel Alliance.
Before defecting to the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Braylen Stramm's military service began with the Imperial forces, specifically at the garrison located on Naboo. After joining the Alliance Fleet, Stramm attained the rank of lieutenant and was appointed as the second-in-command of Blade Squadron, serving under the command of Wing Commander Adon Fox. He also maintained a clandestine relationship with cadet Gina Moonsong.

During an unspecified time in the Rebellion, Stramm flew an ARC-170 starfighter on a mission that took place on a jungle-covered world.
Following the Battle of Endor, Stramm received a promotion to commander and assumed the role of leader for Blade Squadron. He took on the responsibility of planning the squadron's operational strategies during the Battle of Malastare. While the other members of Blade Squadron created a diversion, Stramm led an attack on an Imperial shield generator and a communications hub.
Before the Battle for Kuat Drive Yards, Stramm was again promoted, relieved of his flying duties, and tasked with coordinating the Alliance's starfighter tactics for the assault. When Johan Volk sustained injuries in battle and was excused from piloting in the X-wing escort section of the squadron, Stramm took his place.
Ultimately, Stramm returned to full-time squadron duty, piloting an X-wing during the Battle of Jakku.